Cognitive Therapy Techniques in Christian Counseling

Cognitive Therapy Techniques in Christian Counseling
  • اسم المؤلف Mark R. McMinn
  • الناشر Word Publishing
  • التصنيف Counseling, Psychology & Psychiatry
  • كود الاستعارة 4/ 1
طلب الكتاب

Cognitive Therapy Techniques in
Christian Counseling

Editor's Preface ix
Part I : Concepts of Cognitive Therapy 1
1 . Choosing a Road Map 3
2 . An Overview of Cognitive Therapy 17
3 . Christianity and Cognitive Therapy 33
Part II : The Process of Cognitive Therapy 53
4 . The First Interview 55
5 . Finding Automatic Thoughts 72
6 . Disputing Automatic Thoughts 90
7 . Finding Core Beliefs 106
8 . Changing Core Beliefs 123
9 . Maintenance 140
Part III : Applying Cognitive Therapy 153
10 . Depression 155
11 . Anxiety 169
12 . Stress and Anger 185
13 . Other Applications 201
Appendix A : Client Information Form 219
Appendix B : Homework Forms 220
Bibliography 234
Notes 246
Index 261