Modern Psychotherapies

Modern Psychotherapies
  • اسم المؤلف Stanton L. Jones & Richard E. Butman
  • الناشر InterVarsity Press
  • التصنيف Counseling, Psychology & Psychiatry
  • كود الاستعارة 8/ 1
طلب الكتاب


Acknowledgments 7
9 Introduction
1 The Integration of Christianity and Psychology 17
2 A Christian View of Persons 39
The Dynamic Psychologies 63
3 Classic Psychoanalysis 65
4 Contemporary Psychodynamic Psychotherapies
Written with Michael W. Mangis 92
5 Jungian Therapy 119
The Behavioral Psychologies 143
6 Behavior Therapy 145
7 Rational Emotive Therapy 173
8 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy 196
9 Adlerian and Reality Therapies 226
The Humanistic Psychologies 253
10 Person-Centered Therapy 255
11 Existential Therapy 287
12 Gestalt Therapy 303
13 Transactional Analysis 324
The Family System Psychologies 347
14 Family Therapy 349
Toward Christian Psychologies 377
15 Responsible Eclecticism 379
16 Christian Psychotherapy 401
Subject Index 419
Author Index 422