Introduction to Psychology and Counseling

Introduction to Psychology and Counseling
  • اسم المؤلف Paul D. Meier, Frank B. Minirth, Frank B. Wichern, Donald E. Ratcliff
  • الناشر Baker Book House
  • التصنيف Counseling, Psychology & Psychiatry
  • كود الاستعارة 1/ 1
طلب الكتاب

Introduction to Psychology and Counseling .
List of Figures 9
List of Tables 11
Preface to the First Edition 13
Preface to the Second Edition 15
1 Introduction to Psychology 17
The Growth of Psychology 17
Ways of Knowing 19
The Scientific Method 20
Psychology and Christianity 25
Human Beings in Holistic Perspective 33
Christian Contributions to Psychology 34
2 The Biological Basis of Behavior 39
The Neuron 39
The Central Nervous System 41
The Peripheral Nervous System 50
The Endocrine System 52

Variations in Consciousness 52
3 Sensation and Perception 57
Sensation 57
Perception 64
4 Emotions 73
Theories of Emotions 74
Nonverbal Communication 75
The Positive Emotions 76
The Negative Emotions 76
5 Motivation 85
Theories of Motivation 86
Biological Drives 90
Hyperactivity 97
6 Learning 103
Classical Conditioning 103
Operant Conditioning 108
Observational Learning ( Modeling ) 123
7 Memory , Cognition , and Self-Esteem 125
Memory 125
Cognition 133

Developing Healthy Self – Esteem 139
8 Intelligence 147
What Is Intelligence ? 147
Theories of Intelligence 148
Intelligence : Inherited , Learned , or Unique ? 149
Psychological Testing 150
Mental Retardation 155
Giftedness 158
9 Social Psychology 163
Attitudes 163
Social Influence 165
10 Child Development 173
Theories of Child Development 173
Patterns of Child Development 182
11 Adolescent and Adult Development 201
Adolescent Development 201
Adult Development 213
12 Personality 225
Theories of Personality 225
Personality Testing 227

Defense Mechanisms 230
13 The Psychology of Religion 243
Freud's View of Religion 243
Jung's Archetypes 246
Maslow's Peak Experiences 247
Allport's Theory of Religious Prejudice 247
Why Do People Become Christians ? 248
The Development of Religious Concepts 248
Facilitating Spiritual Growth 250
Spiritual Development 255
The Spiritual Basis of Emotional Problems 257
14 Abnormal Psychology 265
Defining Abnormality 265
Mental Health 267
Causes of Psychological Problems 270
Psychological Disorders 274
15 Psychotherapy and Personal Counseling 297
Therapists and Counselors 297
Psychiatric Hospitalization 299
Secular Counseling 300

Christian Counseling 313
Do Counseling and Therapy Work ? 317
Eclectic Counseling 318
16 Group and Family Counseling 321
Group Counseling 321
Premarital Counseling 329
Marriage and Family Counseling 333
Ethics in Counseling and Therapy 338
Afterword 341
Appendix : Self – Change Projects 345
Glossary 351
Index of Names 357
Index of Subjects 359