Games people play

Games people play
  • اسم المؤلف Eric Berne
  • الناشر Grove Press, INC.
  • التصنيف Counseling, Psychology & Psychiatry
  • كود الاستعارة 22/ 1
طلب الكتاب


Table of Figures / 10
Preface / 11
Introduction / 13

Analysis of Games / 23
1 / Structural Analysis / 23
2 / Transactional Analysis / 29
3 / Procedures and Rituals / 35
4 / Pastimes / 41
5 / Games / 48

A Thesaurus of Games / 67
Introduction / 69
6 / Life Games / 73
1 Alcoholic / 73
2 Debtor / 81
3 Kick Me / 84
4 Now I've Got You , You Son of a Bitch / 86
5 See What You Made Me Do / 88
7 / Marital Games / 92
1 Corner / 92
2 Courtroom / 96
3 Frigid Woman / 98
4 Harried / 101
5 If It Weren't for You / 104
6 Look How Hard I've Tried / 105
7 Sweetheart / 108
8 / Party Games / 110
1 Ain't It Awful / 110
2 Blemish / 112
3 Schlemiel / 114
4 Why Don't You-Yes But / 116

9 / Sexual Games / 123
1 Let's You and Him Fight / 124
2 Perversion / 124
3 Rapo / 126
4 The Stocking Game / 129
5 Uproar / 130
10 / Underworld Games / 132
1 Cops and Robbers / 132
2 How Do You Get Out of Here / 137
3 Let's Pull a Fast One on Joey / 139
11 / Consulting Room Games / 141
1 Greenhouse / 141
2 I'm Only Trying to Help You / 143
3 Indigence / 147
4 Peasant / 151
5 Psychiatry / 154
6 Stupid / 157
7 Wooden Leg / 159
12 / Good Games / 163
1 Busman's Holiday / 164
2 Cavalier / 164
3 Happy to Help / 166
4 Homely Sage / 167
5 They'll Be Glad They Knew Me / 168

Beyond Games / 169
13 / The Significance of Games / 171
14 / The Players / 173
15 / A Paradigm / 175
16 / Autonomy / 178
17 / The Attainment of Autonomy / 182
18 / After Games, What ? / 184

Appendix / The Classification of Behavior / 185
Index of Pastimes and Games / 187
Author Index / 189
Subject Index / 190