- اسم المؤلف Gary R. Collins
- الناشر Word Publishing
- التصنيف Counseling, Psychology & Psychiatry
- كود الاستعارة 5/ 1
Case Studies in Christian Counseling
1 . What Is Christian Counseling ? Gary R. Collins 1
2 . A case of Sexual Obsessions Stanton L. Jones 19
3 . Cognitive Therapy with a Depressed Client
Mark R. McMinn 45
4 . Marriage Counseling with Christian Couples
Everett L. Worthington, Jr. 72
5 . Counseling Another Counselor David E. Carlson 100
6 . The Use of Hypnotherapy in Counseling a Christian
Robert R. King Jr. 124
7. Counseling a Fundamentalist Family with a Son Who
Has AIDS James L. Powell 164
8 . An Inpatient Assessment with a Several Depressed
Hospitalized Patient Robert S. McGee 186
9 . A case of Ritualistic Abuse Lois Motz 209
10 . Counseling for Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia
Timothy E. Clinton 231
Epilogue 254
Bibliography 257
Notes 260
Index 269